

My clinic is operating online only. I consult clients internatonally via a video call.

1.5h initial consultation + a follow up 30 min within 10 weeks after initial consultation is £300.
This includes answering your questions and my support between the consultations and a short 15 min call or video call 2 weeks after the initial comnsultation to make sure you have
I request to complete a questionnaire and a food diary prior to consultation.
During the consultation we disscuss your lifestyle, diet and symtomps and I explain potential triggers contributing to your symptoms and health issues.
I then prepare a personalised plan, which includes a bespoke supplement programme designed specifically for your needs. discount off online supplements

For someone with chronic conditions we might need to work longer than 3 motnhs and then the follow ups are 30 min consultation is £95 from april 2025.

If you wish to find out how I may be able to help you, please write me an email.

My email address